Blue Laser triangulation sensors for difficult surface types
The optoNCDT BL models are equipped with a blue laser diode and are used when standard sensors with a red laser diode are operating at their performance limits. Due to its shorter wavelength, the blue laser does not penetrate the target surface, projecting a small light spot on the surface and therefore providing stable and precise results. As Blue Laser sensors are equipped with a special filter, they are insensitive to highly emitting objects such as glowing metals. Blue Laser sensors are preferably used with measurements on organic and (semi-)transparent objects, as well as for red-hot glowing metals.
High Precision Blue Laser Displacement Sensor
The optoNCDT2300-2DR is the new model in the high performance optoNCDT 2300 range. The beam path is designed for direct reflection and will find applications in the measurement of high-gloss, shiny and reflecting surfaces. Blue Laser technology from Micro-Epsilon and its optical arrangement result in a laser sensor that is extremely sensitive to changes in distance, which enables very high measurement accuracies. The new model is used in consumer electronics production (e.g. smartphones, tablets and displays), industrial applications and for the production and processing of semiconductors.

Patented Blue Laser Technology
Measurement tasks involving blue laser sensors on red-hot glowing objects exceeding 700 °C and transparent objects such as plastics, adhesives and glass are patented by Micro-Epsilon. The optoNCDT Blue Laser models achieve excellent signal stability and thus precise measurement results on these surfaces.
Micro-Epsilon has launched a world first in laser triangulation sensor technology with its innovative Blue Laser Sensor. The new sensor offers significant benefits for users who need to measure the position or displacement of red-hot glowing metals and also translucent targets.
Micro-Epsilon’s optoNCDT 1710BL series of Blue Laser Sensors operate on the laser triangulation measuring principle and use blue (violet) laser technology. The sensors are ideal for measurements on hot, glowing metals, particularly in hot steel processing applications, as well as for measuring organic materials such as skin, foodstuffs, plastics, veneers and wood.
Specifically designed custom optics and new, intelligent laser control and evaluation algorithms enable the blue laser sensors to measure red glowing metals up to 1,600 deg C, silicon up to 1,150 deg C with no loss in measurement specification.
In addition, there are significant benefits to be seen when measuring against translucent objects such as organic materials, paper, some plastics and wood veneers. Unlike a red laser, the blue laser light does not penetrate into the measuring object because it has a lower intensity laser spot and therefore offers more stable, precise measurements on targets that conventional red laser sensors have difficulty measuring.
- Data sheet optoNCDT 1710BL (pdf, 2.83 MB)
- Setup Guide optoNCDT 1700, 1700LL, 1700BL (pdf, 876.30 KB)
- Setup Guide optoNCDT 1700, 1700BL (pdf, 1.17 MB)
- Operating Instructions optoNCDT 1700 (pdf, 3.24 MB)
- CAD file 3D-model sensor "ILD1700", STEP (zip, 1.98 MB)
- CAD file 3D-model sensor "ILD1710-1000 / ILD1710-1000BL", STEP (zip, 423.43 KB)
- CAD file 3D-model: Protection housing optoNCDT 17x0 /23x0 - Size S, STEP (zip, 496.43 KB)
- CAD file 3D-model: Protection housing - optoNCDT 17x0 /23x0 Size M, STEP (zip, 1.21 MB)
- ILD1700 Tool V3.6.0 (zip, 11.43 MB)
- MEDAQLib V5.2.1 (zip, 22.66 MB)
optoNCDT 1750BL Blue Laser sensors are designed for high speed displacement, distance and position measurements. They are equipped with new high performance lenses, laser control and evaluation algorithms to ensure precise measurements on different surfaces and materials. The Blue Laser Technology patented by Micro-Epsilon offers decisive advantages compared to red-diode laser sensors. Since the blue laser point does not penetrate the surface, the target is sharply imaged onto the sensor element. This makes it possible to achieve high resolution and reliable signal stability.
Measuring ranges (mm): 20 | 200 | 500 | 750
Adjustable measuring rate up to 7.5 kHz
Linearity from 12 µm
Repeatability max. 0.8 µm
Analog and digital output
Compact design with integrated controller
Real-time adaption to changing surfaces (RTSC)
Predefined and individual presets in web interface
The optoNCDT 2300BL Blue Laser Sensors have been designed specifically for applications where conventional red laser diode sensors have difficulty measuring. These include measurements against shiny, highly polished metals, red-hot glowing metals and silicon based materials.
In addition, there are significant benefits to be seen when measuring against translucent objects such as organic materials, paper, some plastics and wood veneers. Unlike a red laser, the blue laser light does not penetrate into the measuring object, which gives more stable and precise measurements.
World leading performance
The optoNCDT 2300BL series operates at a measurement rate up to 49kHz and has resolutions down to 0.0015% FSO (Full Scale Output) making this sensor series ideal for high-speed dynamic applications. Sensor measurements are output directly from the sensor via Ethernet, EtherCAT or RS422.
The sensor is completely self-contained and does not require an external controller making it suitable for mounting in restricted spaces. The sensor weighs just 550g with dimensions of 97mm x 75mm x 30mm.
Web Browser configuration
The sensor is configured via is own user interface. Connection is simple using the sensor IP address and your PC web browser. The user interface allows easy configuration of sensor settings as well as data capture, storage and detailed analysis of the sensor performance. This greatly simplifies sensor setup and confirmation of measurement performance.
Call 0151 355 6070 or email Micro Epsilon to help select the right product for your application.
Measuring range (mm): 2 | 5 | 10 | 50
Linearity from 0.6µm
Resolution max. 0.03µm
Adjustable measurement rate up to 49.140 kH
Integrated controller
Outputs: Ethernet, EtherCAT, RS422, Profinet, EtherNet/IP
Analogue output via C-Box
Fast adaption to rapidly changing surface types due to Advanced RTSC
- Data sheet optoNCDT 2300BL (pdf, 3.95 MB)
- Setup Guide optoNCDT 2300 (pdf, 1.07 MB)
- Operating Instructions optoNCDT 2300 (pdf, 13.83 MB)
- Setup Guide 1-Channel RS422/USB Converter IF2001/USB (pdf, 2.20 MB)
- Frequently asked questions about Java (pdf, 762.63 KB)
- CAD file 3D-model "ILD2300", STEP (zip, 730.32 KB)
- CAD file 3D-model: Protection housing optoNCDT 17x0 /23x0 - Size S, STEP (zip, 496.43 KB)
- CAD file 3D-model: Protection housing - optoNCDT 17x0 /23x0 Size M, STEP (zip, 1.21 MB)
- optoNCDT 23x0 EtherCAT XML (V1.9) (zip, 1.11 MB)
- MEDAQLib V5.2.1 (zip, 22.66 MB)
The optoNCDT 2300-2DR (Direct Reflection) high precision laser triangulation sensor is designed for measurements on highly polished, reflective, shiny and mirrored targets with a resolution down to 30nm.
An extremely small laser spot size of 8.5 x 11μm enables reliable measurements against very small objects. The sensor is also ideal for both distance and thickness measurement of transparent targets such as optical glass.
Unlike conventional laser triangulation sensors, the optoNCDT2300-2DR blue laser light operates in direct reflection (rather than diffuse reflection). However the design of the housing is like a conventional laser sensor which means the sensor body can be mounted parallel to the measurement object, which greatly simplifies the installation process.
Due to the shorter wavelength blue laser diode, the measurement signal is extremely stable, which means the sensor is able to measure to nanometre resolution. The shorter wavelength also means there is less speckling on the CCD line, providing higher stability and accuracy.
The system is configured via an integrated web browser that is addressed via an Ethernet interface. This interface enables the user to make settings for the processing of measured values and signals, e.g. peak selection, filtering and scaling the measurement range. Data can also be output over this interface which greatly simplifies setup, configuration and diagnostics.