

Sensor system for precise thickness measurements

thicknessGAUGE C.C

The thicknessGAUGE C.C sensor systems use confocal chromatic displacement sensors for the thickness measurement. The sensors allow for measurements to be performed with outstanding accuracy and high measuring rates. In addition, this innovative measuring technique enables measurements of reflective and shiny surfaces.



  1. Sensor technology used: confocal chromatic displacement sensors
  2. Measuring range (thickness): 2.5 mm
  3. Accuracy: ±0.4 µm
  4. Measuring rate: up to 10 kHz
  5. Ideal for high resolution measurements of highly reflective and shiny surfaces
  6. Also for transparent and semi-transparent film
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Precise thickness measurement using confocal chromatic sensors

The thicknessGAUGE C.C sensor systems are assembled ready for operation and calibrated at the factory. They consist of a stable frame with two confocal chromatic sensors attached to it. These sensors measure the thickness of the measuring object according to the difference principle. The confocal sensors are perfectly adjusted to each other in terms of their mounting conditions, therefore providing high measurement accuracy.

A linear axis moves the sensor system from the parking position to the measuring position. For fully automatic calibration, the system is moved back to the parking position.

The thicknessGAUGE C.C sensor system is used for precise thickness measurements of strips and plates. It can also be used for fixed track measurements, e.g., for centre-line measurements (centre thickness) or for thickness measurements on the edges. A linear unit enables traversing thickness measurements up to 600 mm strip width.
