
Defect detection on painted car bodies

Defect detection on painted car bodies

Defect detection on painted car bodies

Fully automatic surface inspection of painted car bodies

reflectCONTROL Automotive enables the fully automatic inspection of painted car bodies. The robotic systems enable the detection, three-dimensional measurement and classification of typical paint defects such as inclusions, craters, runners, etc. This enables robot-based automatic processing of the defects, up-stream analysis to identify the sources of defects, and laser-based marking for possible manual processing of the defects.

The reflectCONTROL systems consist of sensor, robot, computer and software and interface package. Depending on the requirements, different versions of the system are available, which are configured depending on the customer's needs. The number of reflectCONTROL sensors and robots required can be flexibly adapted to the required throughput.



  1. Complete integration by Micro-Epsilon: sensors, robots, evaluation and integration from a single source
  2. Classification based on 3D defect data
  3. Patented concept for automatic post-processing using robots
  4. Flexible multi-robot and multi-cell configuration
  5. Short cycle times due to fast inspection and evaluation
  6. High positional accuracy of defects
  7. High detection rates
  8. Low maintenance
  9. Integrated appearance measurement
  10. Reliable differentiation between relevant and non-relevant defects (also at the KTL)
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