
Heavy plates

Heavy plates

With their large thicknesses, the products produced in heavy plate mills, which are used for example in bridges, pipelines or oil rigs, represent a challenge for isotope and X-ray equipment in terms of measurement technology and costs.

The thicknessCONTROL systems are equipped with special sensor technology and can precisely measure sheets and slabs with a thickness of more than 400 mm in both hot and cold states. Potential applications for the equipment are behind quarto stands for mill control or quality control, since the thickness is no longer changed downstream. Usually, reversing stands are used at this point, where a single C-frame measuring system detects the centre thickness. If the plate is stopped for the change of direction, the width and thickness profile can also be measured.

The thicknessCONTROL 8202 and 9202 systems are also used in shearing lines for final quality assurance.



  1. Multiple C-frames can be combined for large widths up to 5 m
  2. Measurement of thickness profile, width & length with one system
  3. Flexible interface to customer equipment
  4. Thickness & width calibration within seconds
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Measurement of thickness, width & length in shear lines with C-frame system thicknessCONTROL MTS 9202.LLT

For large widths ( 1000 mm), the C-frames of the thicknessCONTROL MTS 9202/ 8202 series are made of steel to ensure the required precision. This makes them ideal for use in wide heavy plate applications.

  • Available with blue or red laser line for red-hot glowing or non-glowing material
  • Precise detection of the edge due to the high lateral resolution of the laser line enables width measurement
  • Easy integration of non-contact length measurement
  • Operation of multiple measuring systems from one human-machine interface