sensorTOOL: The intuitive commissioning software for all Micro-Epsilon sensors

The sensorTOOL is a display and parameterization software and can be used for easy and fast commissioning of Micro-Epsilon sensors and for test purposes. The Micro-Epsilon sensorTOOL allows you to address sensors and to display, record and export measured data. For sensors without web interface, which are equipped with RS422 or RS485 interface, the sensorTOOL is the corresponding parameterization interface.



  1. Combination of several sensors in multi-sensor mode
  2. Recording of measurement data and export function
  3. Mastering mode
  4. Single value display (legible from a distance)
  5. Video display
  6. Processing and filtering of measurement values
  7. Special colour displays for colorSENSOR
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The software supports the following products:

  eddyNCDT capaNCDT induSENSOR optoNCDT confocalDT optoNCDT ILR optoCONTROL colorSENSOR colorCONTROL interferoMETER inertialSENSOR
Data display
Connection to web interface      
Parameter dialog in sensorTOOL                

Interface module

  IF2001 IF2004 IF2008 IF1032
Data display
Connection to web interface

Your advantages

  • One software for various Micro-Epsilon sensors
  • Freely available
  • Multi-sensor display
  • Live-video display
  • CSV data export for Excel



Software and drivers